Monday, June 27, 2011

Clever Repurposing of "Gently Used" Household Things

Orange colander holding iceColander as Ice Bucket
Make ice cubes last longer at your next cocktail party: Put them in a colander set into a bowl. As they melt, the water will drain through the holes instead of sitting and turning the ice to slush.

Ice cream scoop containing sandIce Cream Scoop as Sand-Castle Tool
An ice cream scoop deposits perfect domes for a Taj Mahal (or a yurt).

Book coversBook Cover as a Tourist Disguise (even stateside)
A travel guide screams "I’m lost!" but cloaking it in pretty paper or the jacket of a book in the native language will let you blend in with the locals. You'll be more likely to be asked for directions than taken for a ride. Sidebar:  I learned the hard way that many residen of NYC HATE to be asked for directions!

Bucket used as a side table

Bucket as Side Table
For more serving space (without begging and borrowing from the neighbors) top a bucket with a tray for an instant side table for your lawn chairs. Your guests will have more spots to rest their cocktails.

Corn on the cob upright in an angel food cake pan
Aya Brackett
Bundt Pan as Corn Holder
Cut corn from the cob without the mess. Place an ear in the center of a Bundt pan. As you slide the knife down, the corn will fall right into the pan.
Citrus peel as ice cream bowl
Yunhee Kim
Citrus Peels as Bowls
Serve sorbet in a memorable way. After juicing (or eating) grapefruit, orange, lemon, or lime halves, scoop out and freeze the peels. Cut a small slice off the bottom to create a level surface (without creating a hole), then fill with ice cream.
Citrus peels with firewood and matches
Aya Brackett
Citrus Peel as Firestarter
Kick-start a fire with citrus peels. Leave orange or lemon peels on the counter for several days to dry out. Then use the pretty pieces as kindling in your fire pit or bonfire for a fragrant flame starter.
Croquet wickets and a garden hose
Beatriz Da Costa
Croquet Wickets as Hose Stakes
Make an arched pathway from the waterspout to the flower bed, then feed the hose through the wickets. Now the hose can’t migrate and crush your impatiens.
Egg slicer slicing a strawberry

Egg Slicer as Strawberry Dicer
Give this classic tool a permanent spot on your kitchen counter and―presto!―you'll have perfect slivers of your favorite summer foods.
 Beach towel used as shower curtain
David Prince
Beach Towel as Shower Curtain
Make a summery shower curtain by hanging two boldly patterned towels using clip-on drapery rings.
Cupcake liner used to serve icecream

Cupcake Liner as Ice Cream Bowl
Serve ice cream at parties without the drips. Freeze individual scoops in liners the night before.
Ice cube tray used to hold frozen aloe

Ice Cube Tray as Sunburn Soother
Freeze cubes of aloe vera for instant sunburn relief when you forget the SPF.
Shower curtain liner used under picnic blanket
Monica Buck
Shower Curtain as Picnic Blanket Liner
Do dew diligence and layer a liner underneath a picnic blanket to avoid soggy bottoms and grass or mud stains.
Sunscreen used as shaving lotion

Sunscreen as Shaving Lotion
While a bottle of expired sunscreen will no longer protect you from UV rays, it can still protect you from razor burn. Use it when lubing up to keep legs smooth all year long.
Section of hose wrapped around a bucket handle

Hose as Bucket Grip
For a handle you can comfortably handle: Snip off a section of an old garden hose, make a slit down its length, and put it over a skinny bucket wire.
Baby Oil

Baby Oil as Tar Remover
Bare feet left with a bit of tar after a long day on the beach? Lift it off with a dose of baby oil.
Floor mat and towels

Basket as Summer Carryall
When you’re ready to hit the beach, just throw everything in a large handled basket and take off. Or, for backyard barbecues, line it with a plastic garbage bag, then fill it with ice and beverages.
Cupcakes baked in ice cream cones

Ice Cream Cones as Cupcake Holders
Bake your cupcakes directly in the ice cream cones. Fill 24 flat-bottom cones two-thirds full with cake batter. Place the cones in a high-sided 9-by-13-inch baking pan and bake in two batches at 325° F for 30 minutes. Let cool, then frost with two 16-ounce cans of frosting. You can have your cake and eat its holder, too.
Kazoo as bubble machine

Kazoo as Bubble Machine
Blow your little one’s mind with this two-in-one toy. Just dip the big end into soapy water and huff and puff away for a sudsy symphony.

a glass of iced coffee and a cocktail shaker

Cocktail Shaker as Iced Coffee Maker
Upgrade your ice coffee by preparing it in a martini shaker. Fill it with coffe, ice, millk, sugar and flavoring and shake for a frothy, evenly blended caffeine fix.
Corn in a cooler

Mini Cooler as a Side Dish Warmer
Use a small cooler to fake a perfectly timed meal if side dishes (like corn on the cob) are ready before the main course. Simply store the early sides in the insulated case to retain their warmth.
Mitten as a sunglasses holder

Mitten as Sunglasses Protector
Save your shades from scratches by slipping them into a spare mitten before stashing them in your purse or glove compartment.
Play-Doh holding sparklers

Play-Doh as Sparkler Holder
Prevent burned fingers by planting a sparkler’s stem in a  tub of Play-Doh before lighting it.

Juice glass with rubber bands

Rubber Band as Glass Gripper
For more OJ in your child’s belly (and less on the kitchen floor) use rubber bands to provide some grip around a chilly glass so it doesn’t slip through a child’s small hands.

Candles in sand

Sand as Candle Holders
Prevent a half-melted candle from sticking to its glass holder by filling the bottom with a layer of sand.
Six-pack box used as a condiment holder

Drink Carrier as Condiment Kit
Cart condiments to a backyard barbecue. Slot flatware, ketchup and mustard in the compartments for easy transport.

Tea Bag as Bug Bite Soother
A smart way to soothe itchy mosquito bites: Place a cold, used tea bag on the sting and let it sit for five minutes. Tea will help ease sunburn, too: Brew a pot and pour it into a bath of lukewarm water. Soak until you feel relief.
Toothbrush removing corn silk

Toothbrush as Corn Cleaner
Use a clean toothbrush to remove stray threads of silk from freshly shucked ears of corn. The bristles will lift them away quickly and efficiently.

Toothbrush Holder as Vase
Display individual blooms (peonies and ranunculus work well) in each hole and fill with water for a foolproof, evenly spaced arrangement.
Cupcake Liner as Drip Catcher

Cupcake Liner as Drip Catcher
Before serving that Popsicle, slip the stick through a foil liner to catch drips and keep hands from getting sticky.
Frisbee® as Paper Plate Holder

Frisbee® as Paper Plate Holder
Don't lose your dogs! At your next barbecue, place flimsy paper plates in sturdy plastic Frisbees® so guests can better balance their meals.
Ice Cube Tray as Sundae Bar

Ice Cube Tray as Sundae Bar
Set up a self-serve sundae bar and let guests dish out cherries, sprinkles, crushed nuts, and other dessert toppings to their liking.
Oven Mitt as BBQ Utensil Holder

Oven Mitt as BBQ Utensil Holder
Slide all the utensils you'll need into an oven mitt and use the fabric loop to hang it on your grill. No more burned steaks because you forgot the meat thermometer inside.
Ice Cube Tray as Paint Palette

Ice Cube Tray as Paint Palette
Mix watercolors in the tray’s compartments. (There’s actually one for every color of the rainbow.)
Toothpaste as Goggle Defogger

Toothpaste as Goggle Defogger
Prevent goggles from fogging. Before hitting the pool, smear some paste onto the lenses, then wipe off.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Don't Wait for the World to Change - Be a World Changer!

My dad, Dr. William Anthony Mason

This past Saturday, Baker College conferred a Doctor of Humane Letters degree upon upon my "70-something-year-old" dad.   This auspicious accolade is proof that it's never too late to realize dreams and reap the harvest that only comes from sowing the seeds of hard work, sacrificed time, energy, emotions; and yes, money.   

As recipient of this most coveted honor; and as part of his duty as a Trustee of the Board of Regents, Dad addressed the Graduating Class of 2011.  I would like to share a portion of his speech with you:

In 2006 a young song writer, musician, singer wrote a song that’s still popular today. Some of you have the song on your iPods and iPhones.

The young man’s name is John Mayer and the name of the song is Waiting On The World to change.

In case you don’t know the song I’ll read a few verses: It goes like this

Me and my friends
We’re all misunderstood
They say we stand for nothing and
There’s no way we ever could

Now we see everything’s that’s going wrong
With the world and those who lead it
We just feel like we don’t have the means
To rise and beat it

So we keep waiting.  Waiting On the World to change.

It’s hard to beat the system
When we’re standing at a distance
So we keep waiting. Waiting on the world to change.

Now if we had the power
To bring our neighbors home from war
They would never have missed a Christmas
 No more yellow ribbons on the door

It’s not that we don’t care
We just know that this fight ain’t fair
So we keep on waiting, Waiting on the world to change

One day our generation
Is going to rule the population
So we keep waiting, waiting on the world to change

Like John Mayer and his friends, some of you are waiting on the world to change.

As you wait for the world around you to change, you feel powerless to do anything about it. You are disillusioned and troubled by:

  • Public policies that don’t help the public
  • Government policies that benefit big business
  • Emergency Managers with the power to void union contracts
  • The high cost of a college education
  • The reduction of the Michigan Tuition Grant and PELL grants

  • Teachers, Policemen and Firemen being laid off.
  • Public schools and libraries closing
  • Corruption in local and state government
  • High unemployment and you also realize that’s not to early to be concerned about the threat to end Medicare and Social Security

And these are just some of the issues that you face.

Well, if you just keep on waiting, the world will change, but the change may not be the change that you’ve been waiting on.

The changes that you are waiting on CANNOT be made from the outside. Substantial and lasting change to current practices, policies and laws CANNOT be made from the outside, from a distance

Substantial changes are made in the board rooms of business and government. That’s where the major decisions are made. You will have to get on the inside to have a voice and a vote.

In the years ahead you need to get on the inside. You do that by pursuing positions on community boards, school boards, city council, county commissions, and other local and state public office.

And when you get into these positions of power and influence, and many of you will, remember, that former generations, like me, your parents and grandparents,

And future generations, like your children, your nieces and nephews are waiting on you to change our world.

I encourage you and I challenge to stop waiting on the world to change and begin the work to change the world.

Good luck to all of you and, I’ll see you at the top.

Monday, June 6, 2011

20 Ways to Be the Best You -

Raise your hand if you’ve stayed diligent to your New Year’s resolutions!
No, really…I’ll wait.

While some of you are proudly throwing both hands in the air, ecstatic that you’ve stuck to your guns thus far, I’m willing to wager that a large portion of you (*ehem* myself included) have fallen off just a bit (ok, maybe completely). Either way, get ready to get back on track or find the inspiration to stick to your goals for the remainder of the year.

June is here, and aside from being the start of the summer, it’s also the midway point of the year. As the temperature rises, and life slows down just a little bit, now is the perfect time to reflect on the goals or intentions you set at the beginning of 2011 and recommitment yourself to the cause.

Back in January, many of us set out to improve our lives. Whether we intended to get healthier, save money, pursue a degree, or fall in love we set goals or charted out our visions for the year. Because I LOVE my readers (and because I can always use a reminder myself), I’ve compiled a list of 20 things that can help us all achieve our goals this year  (Some courtesy of Clutch Magazine).  Even if you’ve been slippin’…it’s not too late!

Because we are multifaceted, I’ll be sharing tips on how to excel in your career, love life, health, friendships, and personal life.
Ready? Leggooo!

Career: Despite the rough economy, you can still be successful in your chosen career if you follow a few simple tips.

Tip #1: Go Back to School. Even if you hate your day job, going back to school—even part time—can garner a huge return on investment. Check out community colleges to brush up on or add new skills to your repertoire without breaking the bank.
Tip #2: Read Up. If you can’t afford to take college courses or if you just don’t want to sit in a classroom, one easy way to make yourself more marketable is by learning a new skill. Hit the bookstore or library and teach yourself some new tricks.
Tip #3: Find a Mentor or Hire a Coach. Want to break into a certain field, but don’t have the skills? Find a mentor and ask if you can shadow them (or be their assistant). Even if you don’t get paid for working with them, the experience, their knowledge, and connections you will build will be worth more than any entry-level gig.  My buddygirl Pam Perry is a walking encyclopedia on how to market your self, your ministry or your business through social media and synergizing with others.

Tip # 4: Network Like a Pro. Because being successful is not only about what you know, but also who you know, networking is a must. From company-sponsored happy hours that will get you a little face time with the higher-ups, to professional organization mixers, you should always be open (and prepared) to shine in front of those who can make or break your career. Keep the convo light, but professional, and always keep business cards on hand.  Still a little shy?  Tammy Turner's book, How to Talk to Strangers, is an excellent tool to help you become a master networker.

Health: We’ve all heard the statistics; Americans are getting unhealthier by the year. Whether you’re thin or on the thicker side, being healthy is essential to a happier, longer life.

Tip # 1: Stay Active. If hitting the gym isn’t your thing, find other (fun!) ways to stay active. Perhaps try kickboxing, hiking, jogging, or dancing your way to great health by taking Zumba, African, or Salsa dancing classes. Bottom line, the faster you find something you LOVE to do, the more likely you will be to stick to it. Now move it!
Tip # 2: Eat to Live. I know, I know…food can taste oh so delicious, especially after a stressful day. However, using food to satisfy your emotional needs is a recipe for disaster (and extra pounds!). Remember to use food for what it was designed for—fuel. Limit emotional eating, and when you do sit down for a meal, make it an experience. Pick the freshest meats, vegetables, and cheeses and enjoy every bite.
Tip # 3: Get a Checkup. When was the last time you got physical…with your doctor? Although some may skimp on their yearly exams, making sure you see your doctor regularly (and not just when you’re sick) will help you stay healthy and prevent any number of ailments that may creep up. Make it easy on yourself; schedule annual checkups on or near your birthday so you’ll never forget them again.
Tip #4: Get Some Rest. Let’s get something straight; you cannot function on 4 hours a sleep a night and still look and feel fabulous. As a matter of fact, not getting enough sleep can contribute to a myriad of health issues like weight gain, a lowered sex drive, decreased immunity, and depression. So get your sleep mask, your lavender oil, and comfy pillow and get at least eight hours of sleep per night.  Versandra Kennebrew has more great information about relaxation using holistic methods such as massage and aromatherapy.

Family & Friends: There’s something about knowing you have people who have your back that makes life so much easier.

Tip # 1: Reach Out. Staying in touch with those you love can be difficult if you’ve moved away. But even if you haven’t, work, school, and other commitments can sometimes get in the way of spending quality time with the fam. Before too many of your parents or little brother’s calls go unanswered, try to schedule a set time to reach out and say hello. If you live across country, services like Google Talk, Tango, and Skype can keep you connected.
Tip #2: Schedule a Girl’s Night. There’s nothing like connecting with the homies to help you ease some stress. Although it may be hard to coordinate schedules, having a girl’s night or weekend is the perfect way to reconnect with those that have your back. You may not be able to hang like you used to, but getting love from your friends will give you the umph you need to power through the difficult times.
Tip # 3: Reunite. Summertime is here, and you know what that means: family reunions! Yes they may be far, and even a bit pricey, but getting together with your extended family, seeing your grandma from down south or your cousins from the coast will not only be a blast, but it will also help you reconnect to your roots.
Tip # 4: Get Bookish. Happy hour shouldn’t be the only time you see your friends. If you’re looking for different ways to hang with your girls try organizing a book club. Not only will you have a great time, but you might even expand your circle (and your mind) as you devour a few good books beginning with my novel, Brown Paper Bag. (Shameless plug alert -smile)

Love: What did Billy D say in “Mahogany”? Success is nothing if you have no one to share it with? Well, for those of you who are single yet ready to love, try these tips and maybe you’ll be cupcaking in no time.

Tip #1: Get Rid of the Baggage. Erykah had it correct. If your bags ain’t Louis V., let ‘em go, let ‘em go, let ‘em go. Nothing prevents you from being in love like holding onto the bitterness, anger, and hurt your last partner left you with. If you’re serious about getting boo’d up this year (or the next), you must lay your bags down.
Tip # 2: Ditch the Space Fillers. Sure no one likes to be lonely, however, if you’re really on a quest for love you have to make room for what’s to come. Drop the folks who are just keeping you company “in the meantime” and free up your time (and heart) for the one you’ll fall in love with.
Tip # 3: Date Yourself. Don’t wait for Mr. or Ms. Right to come along before you try out a new restaurant or go on that vacation you’ve always dreamed of. While you keep your eyes open for “the one,” get to know yourself. Make a list of things you want to do with your future boo, and try them yourself. Who knows. While you’re hiking up Mt. Baldy, or on the plane ready to skydive you might meet someone who’s doing the same.
Tip # 4: Avoid the "Date from Hell"  Do your homework.  Don't settle for just anyone who has a pulse.  Get more great tips for singles from Kim Brooks.

Self: It’s time to get a little selfish. So much of our time is often spent working for, caring for, or helping others. Remember that before you can be there for others, you have to be there for yourself. Don’t ever forget to put yourself first.

Tip # 1: Take It Easy. How many times have you been so busy you’ve forgotten to eat, get the proper amount of rest, or had enough time to just relax? No matter how crazy your schedule may get, you must carve out some time to take it easy. Whether it’s scheduling a monthly massage, or just soaking in a hot bath instead of rushing through a shower, taking some time for yourself is essential for both your mental and physical health.
Tip # 2: Meditate. Whether you call it prayer, meditation, or getting in touch with the Universe, remember to take a few minutes each day to center yourself and reflect on your life. Instead of using this quiet time to run your to-do list through your head, use it to reflect on what you are thankful for. Despite whatever may be happening in your life, it’s always a good idea to focus on the positive. It will not only help you to remember that you’ve got a lot going for yourself, it might also give you the motivation to keep pushing.
Tip # 3: Kill the Negative Talk. Ever looked in the mirror and complained about your big butt or tiny breasts or tight eyes or man hands? Well, stop it. Although there may be things we’d like to change about ourselves, constantly harping on our imperfections or shortcomings will do little to help how we feel. Instead of picking yourself apart, the next time you look in the mirror tell yourself how beautiful or awesome or smart you are. After a while, you’ll start to believe it and act accordingly.

Tip # 4: Celebrate Your Victories. Got a promotion at work? Dropped 20 pounds? Passed your LSAT? Landed your first “real” job? Celebrate! Don’t ever let an important moment go by unacknowledged. Even if your celebration consist of something as small as a red velvet cupcake from Sprinkles or as large as a trip to Jamaica, don’t forget to give yourself props for accomplishing one of your goals.
Achieving your goals can be difficult, but once you reach your set objectives you’ll feel powerful, accomplished, and ready to do even more.

Learn how conquer your personal obstacles from Shelita Williams through her Reign in Life Program.  She has overcome divorce, low self esteem, obesity and financial ruin. Find out how you too can reign in your life.

Shelita at 226 lbs
Shelita today!

What tips do you have for staying on track and reaching your goals?  I'd really LOVE to hear back from you