Facebook is only one of countless social media marketing and digital promotion possibilities that is turning how we market to masses on its ear.
And quite frankly, many are confused, overwhelmed and feeling like deer caught in the headlights.
That’s why Pam Perry, a 20-year public relations professional turned social media strategist and owner of Social Media PR Solutions in Farmington Hills, has made it her mission to help business owners, ministers, authors and other “expert” types get a grip on social media marketing.
She has cracked the code and is often called the "Queen of Online Media" or "Social Media Guru" by Detroit Radio One personality, Angelo Henderson.
“Social Media Day is not a party for everyone. There are a lot of folks, especially baby boomers who are feeling lost when it comes to marketing using the internet. Their lack of technical skills makes them feel uncomfortable with the new social media – which seems to changing at a rapid speed every day,”
“It’s quite scary to them and they don’t know who to ask or who to trust to show them the right way to leverage online marketing,” said Perry.
Typically Social Media Day is a world wide event where social media enthusiasts gather and share their tips. But, if you just want to learn the basic steps of social media and online video marketing, there has never been a place for beginners to collaborate on social media day – until this year.
Perry and her colleagues have organized a Social Media and Online Video Marketing 101 laptop workshop,Saturday, June 30, 2012 from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM (ET) 32737 W 12 Mile Rd., Farmington Hills, Michigan. People can register at http://www.pamperry.org
“The explosion of social media is something you can no longer ignore – if you want to grow profits, build a brand, maintain success or remain relevant.“We are going to stand over attendees laptops and show them there is nothing to fear – and give them the confidence to get their social media swagger,” said Perry.
Baby boomers, authors, speakers, ministry leaders, coaches, non-profit professionals and service professionals will learn the basics social media and online video marketing in this easy hands-on session on Saturday, June 30. Registration is required. Go to http://www.pamperry.org
For those who are over the age of 50 and have been unemployed for more than three months, Perry’s group is offering to scholarship their registration fee, which is $147. For more information, email: pam (at) socialmediaprsolutions.com or call (248) 426-2300.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Walk with Boldness
In her daily devotional, Promises for Daily Living, Joyce Meyer encourages all believers to walk our purpose with boldness. Theme Scripture: Proverbs 28:1
Walk with Boldness
Some people exude boldness, while others struggle with living boldly as a loved child of God. I had that problem until God showed me some important keys that helped me live boldly, and I want to share them with you.
1. Refuse to live in fear. Fear is an epidemic in our society. The Bible instructs us in Hebrews 10:38 to live by faith and not draw back in fear.
2. Put setbacks behind you. You are not a failure because you try new things and they don't work out. You fail only when you stop trying. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, and if you do, recover quickly and press on.
3. Don't draw comparisons. Boldness will be impossible as long as you compare yourself to others. Boldness comes from accepting who you are and being the best you can be.
4. Be willing to take action. Search your heart and ask yourself what you believe God wants you to do, and then do it.
Pray over these four keys, and ask the Holy Spirit to help you live them out. Hold up your head and be filled with boldness.
Prayer Starter: Holy Spirit, I want boldness to be one of my defining traits. Help me to live out these four keys by Your strength.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Who Says You're Too Old to Fulfill Your Dream?
Break A Record!
At Any Age!
Completing questionnaires I found great joy in checking off the box in the 18-25 year old age range when I was younger. It represented endless possibilities in living and fulfilling my dreams. Gradually, I've etched beyond that place where the world was my playground to do with whatever I willed. In many instances, I d
As I've emerged beyond that age, I've come to realize that those categories are there for one purpose and that is to garner statistical information. It in no way can limit me from living my dreams and fulfilling my purpose. All too often people allow age to limit them and they stop dreaming and they stop living, especially if their age has etched past the 35-plus mark. God forbid if they are over 40, 50 or 60!
Our expectancy decreases primarily because our society indoctrinates us to think that as we mature we become useless. God never said that. I've come to realize that each age brings new nuances and new expectations. Regardless if you are in the first, second, third or fourth trimester of life you can still live your dreams and fulfill your purpose.
Think about it, when you were in the age bracket of 18-25 there was so much you didn't know, yet you had such anticipation for your future. Howbeit you combine all the wisdom you've garnered to truly become all God created you to be as you have matured. Who says that you are too old or even too young for that matter? If you can dream it, you can do it!
Recently, I've found a hero, a 75-year young woman, Ernestine Shepherd, who is the oldest female bodybuilder alive. Guess what, she didn't start exercising until she was in her mid-fifties! Now that is a wow for you! I'm decades her junior but my body doesn't look anywhere near hers.
In essence, she has not allowed age to stop her from living her dreams. She envisioned her dream and she set out to accomplish it. That she has done! What an awesome role model not just for seniors but for everyone! She holds the Guinness World Record as the oldest female bodybuilder. Wow! You can break records at any age! You don't have to be confined to the status quo!
You know, there is a reason God in His infinite wisdom impregnated Mary and Elizabeth at the same time; a young virgin girl barely old enough to give birth and an older woman well-passed her child-bearing years. Each of them carried the seed of purpose and promise. Neither one of them, because they understood the dream seed placed inside of them, allowed their age, open ridicule and scorn to prevent them from fulfilling their purpose.
You see, Mary and Elizabeth understood that the seed they carried was not about them, but about the will of God. As much as they understood the purpose of their seed, they also understood the purpose of each other. In doing so, it brought even more clarity to their respective assignments.
A number in time is all your age is all about. It is a number that God has provided to you for you to celebrate His gift of time, but never to limit you. When we allow age to prevent us from embracing and living our dreams and life to its fullest, we take God's precious gift and throw it back in His face. We do not hold the gift as sacred. Embracing the sacredness of the gift is when we maximize every minute God has given us to fulfill His purpose for our lives in the earth realm. That is celebrating your age! Now go break a record!
Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
Jacqui A. Showers., The Showers Group Ministries
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Conquer Your Ai
Conquer your Ai
In view of their past victories, Joshua and his men expected Ai to be an easy win. Instead they experienced defeat because of one man's disobedience. After dealing with the seed of sin in the camp, God called Joshua to round up the people and return to the place of their recent defeat.
In your life journey, there will be setbacks and possibly even failures. There will certainly be situations that you did not plan for. There were many attempts to the moon before the first successful manned mission of Apollo 11. Do not be influenced or discouraged by your previous failed attempts. The God who has given you the vision will give you victory.
If you have done something wrong that has the potential to jeopardise your mission, repent today. Lay it at the foot of the cross in the presence of God.
Make a decision not to repeat your past mistake. View failure as a learning opportunity rather than a destination or life sentence.
Make a decision not to repeat your past mistake. View failure as a learning opportunity rather than a destination or life sentence.
Persistence and determination are two essential ingredients to a successful space mission.
Return to that abandoned goal, dream or vision that is essential to your arrival on the moon. Face it, overcome it and conquer your Ai.
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