Friday, September 23, 2011

Five Top Tips for Women's Health By Beth Hoover

These five top tips for women's health will help you look and feel your best and have the energy to work and play at the highest level. They're here to guide you, whatever your challenge, whatever your goal. All you need to do is follow them.

Rule number one is eat a healthy diet. Why? It's the best way to look and feel your best. Eating right will help you to control your weight. A good diet will also help lower your cholesterol and blood pressure and help prevent heart disease, stroke, arthritis, specific cancers and a host of other common health problems. Build your daily diet around skinless poultry, fish, lean meats, low fat or non-fat diary products, whole grain breads and cereals, and at least five daily servings of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Rule number two is establish a regular exercise program. Staying physically active is about as important as eating a good diet if you want to get healthy and stay that way. Know that exercise does not need to be overly stressful. To stay in shape, all that's really needed is about half an hour of physical activity five days a week. Taking a brisk walk around the block is more than enough.

Rule number three is manage stress in your life. Women - as daughters, mothers and grandmothers - experience quite a bit of stress on a daily basis and stress is often the first symptom of many more serious health problems. That's why it's so vital for women to take a bit of time each day for themselves no matter how busy they are. Find a way to relax and just let go.

Rule number four is break all risky habits. And that includes smoking, recreational drugs, alcohol, unprotected sex and overindulging on sweets, salt and fats. These habits are dangerous and even deadly. So don't smoke and stay away from people who do. Say no to drugs. And never drink more than one drink a day.

Rule number five is avoid the sun. Skin cancer is extremely common and, if it isn't treated soon enough, can be a killer. So be sure to stay covered with long sleeves and a wide-brimmed hat and and/or an effective sunscreen of at least 15 SPF whenever you're in the sun for more than just a couple of minutes.

If you trust and follow these five basic rules for women's health, you can live a long, healthy and happy life. They've been tested over time and proven to work. covers a a variety of health related topics, from healthiest vegetables to foods high in protein. You can visit us online at

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