Me with my maternal grandmother circa 1957
Five years ago when I turned 50, I created a card to insert with the party favors I gave my guests. I want to share my thoughts about the big 5-0 with you now.
- God's majesty becomes more evident to me each day
- I've been blessed with a phenomenal family
- I had a really good childhood
- Waistlines are overrated
- I'm smarter than my kids think I am
- My kids are smarter than they pretend to be
- I won't go to hell for drinking an occasional Margarita or doing the hustle at wedding receptions and birthday parties
- My joints can predict the weather
- Favor ain't fair - neither is gravity
- Nips, tucks and liposuction are becoming more appealing to me every day
- The 60s and 70s produced the best music in history
- 50 isn't nearly as old as it used to be
- It's hip to be square
- Worrying about what others think of me is a waste of my time
- The only enemy I have is Satan
- My parents were right about pretty much everything
- I wish I'd learned how to make Nana's cornbread dressing
- I'm glad I learned how to make Nana's pound cake
- The bible is the best How-To book ever written
- Being a grandparent is like math. It adds joy to your life, subtracts from your wallet and multiplies your Kodak moments
- Watching my children grow up was bittersweet
- Watching my children raise their children is sweet revenge
- I'm grateful for my girlfriends
- What goes around really does come around
- I HAVE become my mother
- Children have a way of humbling you - one way or another
- Tea is the nectar of God
- Being transparent is far less stressful than faking it - people find out anyway
- NOW I respect money
- There is no such thing as too many pairs of panties
- I''m convinced that bras, girdles and pantyhose were originally intended to be used torture devices for war criminals
- Now I have a legitimate excuse for losing my keys, forgetting where I parked - MY AGE!
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