Friday, January 21, 2011

My Random Friday Fave Five

Here is a random list of five of my favorite things/places/people.  They're not in any particular order of importance nor are they necessarily related in any way.  Like I said, the list is random.

1.  Mr. Cleans Magic Eraser - It works so well on counter and stove tops.  Also great for porcelein.
2.  Carol's Daughter Almond Cookie scented bath and body products. Leaves your skin silky smooth and the scent lingers long after you first bathe in or apply it.  I generally use it during warm months - no particular reason.

3. Bath and Body Works 3 Wick Candles - Oh the fragrances!  I often light one in my living room early in the morning when go in for morning devotion and leave it burning until about 5 or so in the evening.  The aroma fills the whole 1st AND 2nd level of my home.  I'm especially fond of their aromatherapy scents: Stress Relief (Eucalyptus Spearmint - especially helps when I'm writing) and Sleep Camomile/Lavendar. They just introduced some new scents - I brought home three of their 1.6 oz 1 wick candles to see if I'd like them....Calypso Sun, Caribbean Escape and Sea Side Escape. Gasp!!!!!!!!!! I-LOVE-THEM-ALL-I-WISH-I'D-BOUGHT-THE-14oz-Size! No biggie though, I'll just clip a coupon and go back next week.

4. TMobile Cellular Service - My family has been with T-Mobile for the past 3 years and in my book they have the BEST customer service on earth.  Every organization that has a human being answering their phones should take c.s. lessons from TMobile!  On the rare occasion that I have an issue they can't resolve, I still don't end up angry and ready to choke the life out of the person on the other end.  I'd rate the cellular devices they offer 3-4 out of 5, but what their devices lack their superior customer service more than makes up for!

5.  My buddygirl Sandra Epps.  Sandy is a lupus survivor-turned advocate.  Her's is quite a story to tell but just to give you a snapshot, she nearly died on two occasions and was wheelchair bound.  God's grace, her zeal for life and take-no-prisoners-determination literally brought her back from the brinks of death. She is artistic and adores children - hence her business, Sandy's Land Entertainment.   She is so inspirational, innovative, always upbeat and positive... just plain kind.  Love her, love her, love her.  Also check her out on Facebook.


  1. Great Fave Five. I love Carol's Daughter and I simply adore Sandy:)

  2. Great Fav five. Sandy story's is inspirational. My best friend died 5 yrs ago from lupus at the age of 40 something. She was vibrant, full of life. So praise God for this victory story about Sandy.
