Several years ago, we coordinated a marriage retreat sponsored by the Marriage and Family Ministry at our church. One of the fun exercises we assigned the couple prior to attending the retreat was to create a beautiful receptacle in which they could deposit loving thoughts about their spouses. We held a contest for the most attractive boxes. The couples really enjoyed doing this assignment together. The wives were to write their notes on blue paper and the husbands were to write "sweet nothings" on pink paper. The purpose of this exercise was to store up good thoughts for those inevitable turbulent times that we all experience from time to time. The couples decorated all sorts of boxes made out of a variety of materials.
The 12th Habit I'd like to share with you is somewhat similar. There are times when we don't feel good about ourselves. Even the most optimistic person has days when she feels like a loser. Create your own Encouragement Box and fill it with positive, uplifting thoughts about yourself.
1. You can use any type of paper or card stock you'd like to write down or type affirming words about yourself.
2. Purchase or create a box, or any other receptacle you'd like to use. Unleash your creativity when creating the box.
3. Keep the box where it is easily accessible
4. Use it whenever your ego needs a boost. We're all entitled from time to time.
This is a really cool idea! I can't wait to try it.