Several years ago, when I as having a not-so-joyFULL day, I had to remind myself of why I was even placed on this earth. I had been care-giving for my mom and both my maternal grandparents, raising children, being a loving wife, trying to run a home-based business and all of the other responsibilities go along with womanhood. Up until that point I was proud to wear my imaginary Super S/hero badge and allowed myself to believe I could do it all the time with a smile on my face.
However, one day I simply lost it. As my 6-year-old granddva would say, "my corners were turned down" (of my mouth that is.) I heard myself utter words that I hoped would never escape my lips, "God I want my life back!" But then the Lord clearly retorted, "This IS your life." I stood corrected. It was then that I realized and began to embrace the fact that above all the things I thought I was called to do and had been educated, gleaned experience and skills in, care-giving was my calling for this particular season of my life.
A short time later, I composed a personal mission statement which my husband was so impressed with and felt in sync with, that he's kept a copy of it hanging on the wall at work for years. Something I didn't even do. I allowed it to remain on the hard drive of several computers ago and hadn't even thought about it until the Lord gave me today's "HABIT" to share with you. Fortunately for me, Rick simply had to look over his shoulder to read it to me. Interestingly enough, every word of the personal mission statement I wrote over a decade ago still rings true today. You may already have written one, perhaps circumstances or your life's assignment have changed. If so, like a curriculum vitae, it's time to update it. Spend some time tuning in to the still small voice of the Lord as He dictates to you, the blueprints of your destiny.
My Personal Mission Statement
I was placed on this earth to serve.
First to serve God, then to serve my family and finally the
world community.
I have been blessed with an abundance of gifts and skills,
therefore I accept the duties and challenges that God assigns me with faith in
Him and confidence in myself.
Knowing that He would never delegate to me a task He doesn’t qualify me for.
And let us not be
wearing in well doing for in due time, we shall reap if we faint not. Galatians 6:9
A personal mission statement is a description of your
values, interests, hopes and aspirations. It is the definitive synopsis of the
focus of your life and the blueprint for your future. Composing your personal
mission statement and electing to pattern your life around it empowers you with
clarity, decisiveness, insight and foresight, and guides you gracefully through
life's challenges and transitions. Formulation of a mission statement requires
deep contemplation, thorough evaluation and thoughtful expression to produce a
precise written expression of our divine purpose. Your mission statement
becomes the architecture of the intentional application of your vision and
values. It is the benchmark for everything in your life. With that in mind, you
will be able to develop your own compelling personal mission statement.
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