Wednesday, January 30, 2013

31 Habits of a JoyFULL Wife, Habit Number 23 - Give Yourself Permission to Be You

The teacher said,"the brain can be trained."
Hmmm, thought I, "Can this be true?"

On he continued...

"You see, your brain was configured by God,
So we can think on Him and live life in peace and harmony.
In the Garden of Eden, at the beginning of time,
There was no pain, no dissension, only unity and joy divine."

Train the brain still I thought? Hmmm, does this hold the key... along with the Spirit who now dwells within me?

The key for me to be united, disciplined, and sync'd with He?

Will this let me be the me He intended when He created me?

Regardless of the pain, grief, and heartaches that tend to...come my way.

Sure, with His Word at hand, a quiet heart, and my mind turned toward Him, it is then I can hear his voice;
Through all of this, He ensures my mind will be transformed,
To the conformity of His Son.

Okay, I say, a brain can be trained, with both sides working in unison.

I immerse my thoughts deep in Him, The Word,
Trusting, believing, my mind begins to conform... Toward a mind like His.

My heart and soul by Him was won.
Bought with His blood.
His plan all along.

My brain truly was designed to think on Him,
Having the potential to believe, have faith, and be disciplined;
To love Him above all others, love one another, and have peace and joy within.

So yes, I say my brain can be trained.
So I can be free to be me and united with Thee.
To have the mind of Christ.

For it is freedom Christ came, and whom the Son sets free is indeed free.
Free to be the me that person He intended me to be.

I am exiting now from the widened road that keeps me so distracted and traveling so

I can now begin to travel the narrow path which moment by moment will lead me so Him. Training the brain to be in sync with Him.

What a journey... free to be me which He intended all along.

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