Tuesday, January 1, 2013

31 Habits of a JoyFULL Wife - Habit Number 1

On the first day of the new year, we're often full of new ideas, goals, aspirations and renewed hope for the coming 365 days. We tend to hit the ground running with a vision board or journal crowded with photos, clippings and affirmations about what we plan to do. But this year I challenge you to start off by doing the unthinkable. NOTHING.

Take this first day of the year to rest and take care of yourself and as much as possible, no one else.  I realize that's a tremendous feat but part of creating and maintain JOY in your life is to learn how to be still, listen for God's instructions and to take care of yourself. Remember the instructions the flight attendants always give before take off, in case of an emergency put on your oxygen mask and then help others. Have you ever considered the fact that if you run out of oxygen (mentally, emotionally as well as physically) you are absolutely no good to those who really do need you.

So on this very first day of the year, the wise women among us will seize the day (quite possibly literally) and take the opportunity to simply do nothing.

Today's Assignment:

Do at least one of the following non-tasks:
  • Sleep late
  • Watch a movie marathon on tv
  • Stay in your pajamas all day
  • Take a relaxing soak in the tub
  • Daydream
  • Take a nap
  • Read a book just for entertainment
  • Turn the ringer off your phone
  • ____________other; as long as it's relaxing to you

Psalm 62:5
Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.

Psalm 62:1
Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him.


  1. Thanks Venus. Today I did nothing. I looked at my planner and realized today is the only day I have for me. :-)

    Thank you.


  2. Hey Venus `

    Great tips. I did stay in my pj's

    Happy New Year!

    Nicole Cleveland
    Founder of Breathe Again Magazine
