20 Reasons To Make Your Breath Your BFF & 12 Ways To Engage Her
Repost of Blogger Allison Crow, December
6, 2012
of the Benefits of Breathing
My personal belief is that breathing
is the fastest and most pure way to connect my physical-ness to my Spirit.
I believe breath is both purely physical and spiritual at the same time. Conscious breathing can be engaged
in many forms and has many benefits:
- Detoxifies our systems - only 10% of toxins are expelled from the body through defecation and 20% through our skin, while 70% of all toxins are breathed out of the body!
- Brings oxygen to your cells and helps you release carbon dioxide
- Lowers blood pressure
- Slows your heart rate
- Relaxes your muscles
- Calms and clears your mind
- Helps reduce insomnia
- Increases energy
- Reduces fatigue
- Reduces anxiety and stress
- Heals cells in your body
- Heals trauma in the body
- Releases emotional and energetic blockages
- Releases endorphins - the body's natural painkillers in to the system – relieving backaches, headaches and other aches and pains.
- Strengthens abdominal and intestinal muscles
- Invites openness to transformation
- Connects you to your emotional center allowing you to feel safely and gently
- Brings your spirit and body in to alignment
- Connects you with your physical self
- Brings awareness to the present moment
Now you know why, here's how.
Feeling the pull to begin practicing mindful breathing? Here are 12 ways I’ve been working with my breath - and I’m sharing in hopes of giving you some ideas of how you can engage your Breath as your BFF!- When you first wake up and just before you go to bed spend a few minutes mindfully breathing, paying attention to your inhale and exhale - choosing to be fully present with your breath. Try a cycle of just 5 of these breaths.
- Being adjusted at the chiropractor and really want your structure to physically release? Breathe in to your whole body and allow your doc to do their work.
- Take mindful breaths between bites of food during meals - enjoy the taste and allow your body to connect with your food.
- Focus on your breath during meditation so that your mind doesn't wander.
- When you're psychically stressed or overwhelmed, go outside and put your feet in a plot of grass or dirt (grounding) and do a few sun salutation stretches along with deep breathing.
- Breathe consciously when journaling, crafting, painting, doodling or working with your hands.
- Stuck in traffic or in the grocery store (or any place where you may be susceptible to being irritated or overstimulated)? Use your breath to stay calm and centered (aka - to keep from blowing a gasket).
- Use your breath to connect with people you are in important conversations with. By mirroring and matching another's breath you can build trust and connection. This is also a great way to be fully present with the person you are with.
- Connect with your breath when you want to "HEAR" your Inner Whisper/Wisdom clearly
- When you make love with your partner, consider paying attention to breath to connect not only your bodies, but also you spirits and emotions (mirroring and matching works here, too).
- Conjure confidence and re-center with a series of 3-5 mindful breaths.
- Use breath and deep sighs as physical release throughout the day (Dogs do this brilliantly).
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